These javascripts will generate charts, family groups and source lists for the families shown below.
Caution: IE will not display the page until you respond to a prompt at the top of the page:
it asks you to "click on options" and then to "allow scripts."
- Stone (NY-MI), West (NY-MI) and (IA-MO)
- West (IA-MO), Griffith (MD-IL)
- Calhoun (PA-MO), Dawson (MD-KS)
- Herr (PA-KS)
- Painter (OH-KS), Frank (OH-IN)
- Morton (VA-IN), Harrell (NC-KY)
- Bryan (NY)
- Ficklin (SC-TX), Conn (SC-OK)
- Coleman (SC-TX), Henderson (MS-TX)
Some of the names under Stone-West above: Beardsley, Cady, Hatch, Hagaman, Hibbard