Abbay, J.N., Mrs.
Abbott, Infant
Acevido, Richele
Adamolli, Gusippe
Adams, Ann
Adams, Charles
Adams, J.
Adams, Mart A.
Adolph, H.G.
Adolph, Hulda
Adolph, J.F.
Ahlstrom, Frank C.
Alexson, Ann
Allen, Charles
Allen, Elizabeth F.
Allen, Henry B.
Allen, James
Allen, Waldo
Ames, Mary
Ames, Mason B.
Ames, P.
Anaya, Epamania
Anderhalden, Sarah
Anderson, Bob
Anderson, Eric A.
Anderson, Gunder
Anderson, Henry O.
Andrew, John F.
Andrich, George
Andrich, V.M.
Arnold, J.G.
Ashton, Arthur
Ashton, Chester
.Ashton, M
Ashton, R.A.
Atkins, William
Bachelder, M.
Baker, Laurena Marzen
Baker, Sherman
Baldwin, A.
Baldwin, E.
Bandur, Andro
Bandur, Lillian
Bardoli, Batista
Barfield, Charles
Barnhart, George W.
Barnum, Phillipo
Barnum, W.H., Mrs.
Bartley, James
Bates, Frank E.
Bayes [Boyes], Richard
Bayes [Boyes], Richard, Mrs.
Bayone, R.J., Mrs.
Bean, Gus
Beaulieu, John
Belcher, Samuel
Bellvilli, Mixini
Bennet, Frank
Bennets, Evelyn
Bennets, William
Bensley, R.H.
Benson, Tom 1
Bent, Frank
Berg, Anna M., Mrs.
Berthatt, F.
Besio, Orsolina
Besio, Steve
Best, B.A.
Best, John B.
Betts, John
Bhonn, George T.
Bick, Lucille M.
Bick, Mamie
Bick, Robert P.
Bill's Babies
Bini, Giovanni
Boettcher, William
Boliner, John
Booth, D.M. ,
Booth, Homer
Booth, J.C. ,
Booth, J.G. ,
Bordel, A.N.
Bordoli, Batista
Boswell, William
Boyes [Bayes], Richard
Boyes [Bayes], Richard, Mrs.
Boyles, Mr. & Mrs.
Brickell, E. J.
Briggs, T.J.
Brockelsby, Margaret
Broderick, Ellan
Brooks, Peter
Brown, Earl
Brown, Emma Bella
Brown, Jo /a>
Brown, Lemy
Brown, Mrs.
Browne, Annabel
Bryan, Walter
Bryant, George W.
Bryant, Lotta
Bucknam, W.A.
Bucknam, Laura
Burckhalter, Adam
Burckhalter, Beatrice
Burckhalter, Elizabeth
Burckhalter, Frederick
Burckhalter, Mary E.
Burckhalter, Nelson
Burke, M.K.
Burlingham, Alfred E.
Burlingham, Della R.
Burning, Harry
Burns, Charles F.
Burston, Hazel
Butler, Arthur N.
Butler, Robert J.
Buzzetti, Children
Buzzetti, Henry T.
Buzzetti, Louis J.
Buzzetti, P.T.
Buzzetti, S.
Cabona, Charles,
Charles Cabona
Cabona, Dave
Cabona, Gean Garpit
Cabona, John
Cabona, John
Cabona, Marie
Cabona, Marie
Cadjew, Billy
Cadjew, Bucky
Cadjew, Ida Costa
Cahoon, Harvey
Cahoon, Lee
Cahoon, Myrtle
Cahoon, Nellie
Cahoon, O.J.
Cahoon, W.W.
Camarina, Maria
Camarina, Paulina
Campbell, Arillie
Campbell, Colin C.
Campbell, E.
Campbell, Edwin J.
Campbell, Eliza J. /a>
Campbell, Ellen, Mrs.
Campbell, Juliet B.
Campbell, Maggie
Campbell, Thomas B.
Campbell, W.B. ,
Campbell, William J.
Campbell, William J. Jr.
Canady, Herbert Edwin
Canady, Linda Ann
Cannady, Charles
Canon, Julia, Mrs.
Capetti, J.
Carasco, Dominga
Carlson, Patty S.
Carson, James
Cassady, Thomas
Cassady, William
Cassidy, Alexander
Cassidy, Elizabeth
Catlett, Cinnie
Cavinaugh, Florence
Cetta, Joe
Chambers, Mary
Chambers, Thomas
Chambers, S.
Champion, Samuel
Chan, Sing
Chapman, A.E.
Chapman, Emerald
Chapman, Eva
Childs, Frank
Chloupek, Georgia L.
Church, E.W.
Church, Nellie
Clark, Albert H.
Clark, Alberta F.
Clark, Alexander
Clark, J.C.
Clark, James
Clark, Mary E.
Clark, Twin Boys
Cleland, J.H.
Cleland, Mary
Coleman, Lena P.
Collier, Anna M.
Collier, C.H.
Collier, Charles H.
Collier, H.C.
Collier, Harry C.
Conley, Mattie E.
Conner, J.M.
Conniff, Thomas H.
Conolin, Charles
Conor, John
Conway, Barney
Conway, Hugh
Cook, Fred
Cook, Fred
Cook, John
Cook, Susan Grace
Cooper, Farley
Cooper, Sarah Ridinger
Cooper, V.C., Mrs.
Cope, Harry R.
Copeland, C.
Copland, John.
Cordel, Camille A.(Eamille?)
Cormack, Infant
Cosgrove, Edgar
Cosgrove, Francis E.
Cosgrove, Suzie Zuelma
Costa, Cesira B.
Costa, Ida
Costa, Sam/a>
Costa, Samuel
Cottarelli, J.
Cottarelli, K.
Coughlin, John
Coughlin, Nancy
Cozzalio, Ann R.
Cozzalio, Charles C.
Cozzalio, Frank
Cozzalio, John, infant
Cozzalio, Maria
Cozzalio, Pietro
Cozzalio, Theresa
Cozzalio, Victor
Cranmer, John P.
Crawford, James
Crecy, Baby boy
Crofford, T.
Cross, J.R., Mrs.
Cross, Jacob
Cross, Two infants
Cunningham, Daniel
Cunningham, M.
Cunningham, P.
Cupples, James Redmond
Cupples, Mary Ernestine
Cupples, Samuel Redmond
Curless, Mary
Curless, Mrs.
Curless, William
Curran, John
Darnell, William
Davies, Baby
Davies, Howard
Davies, O.S.
Davis, J.B.
Days, Bessie
Deave. A.R.
DeBernardi, Julius
Decker, Lorenzo J.
DeConnel, Gus
Dennis, Sarah
DeWitt, William
Dixon, W.A.
Doe, Baby Jane
Dohme, Jack G.
Dohme, Oriole
Donnelly, Christa Bruce
Donnelly, Harriet
Donnelly, Maud
Donnelly, Peter
Drake, J.K.
Drake, Willard K.
Drifford, Jay
Duane, Katie
Duane, Lotie M.
Dugan, John
Duncan, James
Dunsten, G.W., infant
Dyer, Goldie
Dysart, Davida M.
Dysart, Willie M.
Eaton, Harry A.
Eaton, Henrietta (Etta) M.
Edwards, Thomas
Ellen, Harry B.
Ellen, Jennie M.
Ellert, Alton T.
Ellis, Kathleen Ann
Eltralls, Lucy, B.
Enck, John D.
Englehart, Irene
Englehart, William M.
Engley, Aza
Erickson, Frederick E.
Erickson, John
Erickson, Oscar
Ernestine, Mary
Esola, Enis
Evans, John B.
Farver, David B.
Fay, Eddie
Fay, James H.
Fay, Peter
Feldkatter, Herman
Ferguson, Ira
Ferguson, Samuel
Ferreri, Frank, Mrs.
Figli, Maria
Finnegan, Michael
Flinn, John
Follett, Erma R.
Follett, Marion O.
Fontana, Carolina
Fontana, Robert
Ford, Bell
Forrest, W.W.
Frail, John
Francis, Edith
Francis, Joseph, Mrs.
Franklin, John F.
Gale, Infant twins
Gale, Horatio
Gale, Mina
Galovich, J.N.
Garber, Jon Pierre
Garcia, J.R.
Garrpit, Gean
George, Jose
Giffen, George W.
Giffen, John Wallace
Giffen, Melissa
Gilmartin, W.H.
Giovanni, Angelo
Glenn, W.H., child
Glidden, Catherine B.
Glidden, Charles E.
Glidden, Payson Palmer
Goaz, Jimmie
Goe, Harry
Goggins, James
Golden, William
Goode, Denver Lee
Goss, John
Goulden, James
Gowling, Isabella
Gowling, Phil, Mrs.
Graham, Manda
Gralli, Albert R.
Gralli, Santina
Grayham, Estelle
Grayham, A.J.
Greeley, I. Lou
Green, Henry
Griffith, Charles
Hall, Robert
Hallet, Julian
Ham, Orlena
Hammond, Thomas
Hancock, John
Harper, Nathaniel
Harris, Joan Katherine
Harrison, E.
Hart, George W.
Hart, Robert
Harvey, O.V.
Hatty, Howard
Henry, Children
Henry, Edward L.
Henry, James N.
Hensley, J.L.
Hettenhauser, L.
Hill, Camilia
Hill, Henry
Hill, William H.
Hilton, George W.
Hilton, L.A.
Hinkle, Henry
Holtz, Frank S.
Hope, Bertha
Horan, Harry
Hornbuckle, Lizzie
Horton, W.T.
Hovsepian, Margaret D.
Hoy, J.W.
Hoy, Susan A.
Huber, Mrs. C.
Hurd, Hannah
Hyslop, James
Hyslop, Robert
Irons, C.D.
Jackson, C.F.
Jacobs, Nellie May
James, Gert G.
Japanese grave
Jew, So Shew
Jewell, Mildred F.
Jiminez, Guadalupe
Johnson, George
Johnson, James
Johnson, M.E.
Jumebo, John
Kearney, Bertha K.
Keiser, Elizabeth
Kelley, Douglas McGlashan
Kelley, James
Kelley, June McGlashan
Kelly, J.P.
Kennedy, Charles
Kenyon, William H.
Kessey, Solomon
Kimball, Charles
Kimbrough, Trueman C.
Krailaur, Infants
Kuhlman, B.
Kuthford, Mrs.
LaFord, Darwin
Laity, Jane
Laity, William Henry
Lambeth, John F.
Lambro, Stephen
Lanahan, James
Lanini, Princess Sarah
Laroche, John
Launza, John
Lawson, Nancy T.
Leach, D.W.
Leach, Lizzie
Lee, Wing
Lemmon, Child
Lewis, George
Lind, Martin
Lipscombe, James H.
Lipscombe, L.
Little, Richard
Livingston, Rose F.
Long, Harvey D.
Louis, Henry
Lowell, H.W.
Lunn, J.C.
Lyman, A. Mrs.
Lyman, Jane
Machin, Charles
Mackay, John G., Jr.
Mackay, Marguerite Marzen
MacWilliam, Thomas C.
Maggini, Pete
Maher, Thomas F.
Mahler, George
Maier, Emil
Maier, Pius
Mallett, Rowena
Marhaine, Mark
Marshall, Mrs.
Martin, Charles
Marzen, Emalita
Marzen, Joseph Keimes
Marzen, Joseph, Jr.
Marzen, McClara Barbara
Masten, Mrs. W. K.
Matthews, Joseph
Maxom, Jesse B.
May, Louise
Mayo, Baby
Mazza, Laura
McBride, Ethel Marzen
McCormick, John
McDonald, James
McElroy, Charles M.
McGlashan, Leonora G.
McGlashan, Robert Charles, Jr.
McGovern, C.F.
McIver, James
McIver, William R.
McKay, Elizabeth
McKay, Joseph Vernon
McKay, Vernon
McLeod, Catherine M.
McLeod, Cook
McLeod, Sophia
McNutt, James
McPeters, Nat
McPherson, Henry L.
McPhetres, Andrew J.
Meloche, John, Mrs.
Menck, Paul
Meyers, E.O.
Meyers, Helen
Middlewood, George
Miller, Frank
Milligan, Lucinda
Miner, A.
Mini, Charles
Montross, Lulu
Moody, J.F., Mrs.
Moore, J.C.
Morandi, Angello
Morandi, William
Morrill, Flo
Morrill, Harry
Morrill, Lester
Mosconi, Joseph
Mottern, Esther E.
Muir, Edna
Muldoon, F.J.
Murry, George
Mini, Angelo
Montrose, H.J., Mrs.
Moody, J.F.
Moody, Minnie B.
Moore, Mary J.
Morandi, Glotilde
Morrill, Eben R.
Morrill, George P.
Morrill, Leland
Morrill, Mary L.
Morton, Charles A.
Mosconi, Katie
Mottern, Goldie
Muir, James
Muldoon, Frank
Myers, Helen
Natale, Niboli
Nelson, Harry L.
Nelson, Lester
Nelson, Mary B.
Nesbitt, David
Newkirk, Joanna
Nicholds, Child
Nobilli, Nicoli
Norden, Oscar B.
Norman, Charles
Ocker, C.A.
Ocker, Naomi B.
Olsen, Ole
O'Niel, Child
Osborne, M.C.
Osborne, Tamy
Owen, Alice L.
Page, Maud A.
Painter, Charles B.
Palmer, Payson
Paris, John I.
Park, A. David
Park, William
Parker, Martha
Parkhurst, Marvin
Parkhurst, Vernon T.
Parlin, Elden C.
Parlin, Sarah J.
Paschini, Frank
Passage, Frank
Passinetti, Battistina
Passinetti, Innocenti
Passinetti, Victoria
Patterson, Mrs.
Pauper's Lot
Payne, J.N.
Pazin, Jesline B.
Pearson, George
Peck, Infant
Peterson, Charles
Pfose, Gustif
Pierce, Eugene
Pilivich, George
Pinaglia, Charles
Pinto, Baby
Paolazzi, Emilio
Pomini, J.
Porter, Theo.
Potts, Emma L.
Potts, W.F.
Powell, Emma E.
Powell, May
Powell, Ray E.
Powell, W.M.
Pratt, J.E.
Presleigh, Margaret M.
Probsting, Mabel
Putnam, Albert
Ramirez, Charles
Rautson, Charles
Reckards, Leonard
Redmonds, Samuel
Reed, Dominga Carasco
Reeves, Mary J.
Reglie, John A.
Remington, E.
Rhodes, Child
Richardson, George W.
Richardson, Mark
Richmond, Addie J.
Richmond, Luella May
Rizzi, Maria
Robbins, Lee
Roberson, Micklen
Roberts, Hazel
Robinson, Fred
Robinson, Mr.
Rockway, Almata
Rodoni, Charleen
Rodriguez, Paulina,
Rogal, Mary Ann
Rossarini, John C.
Rossarini, John R.
Rounds, Child
Rowe, Julia
Rust, Mary E., Mrs.
Ryan, Thomas
Sackett, Grover W.
Sala, Dan
Sala, Elizabeth
Salusa, Spanish Mary
Salvin, Minnie
Santer, J.
Saul, M.A.
Sayles, Rebecca
Scanlin, E.
Schlumfp, child
Schneider, David
Schubert, Frank
Schultz, Steven
Schumacher, Oscar
Scofield, Norman E.
Seavers, D.
Seeley, Evelina
Seigmund, Arch
Sharp, Ann Routh
Sheehan, Ann
Sheldon, A.O.
Sherritt, Agnes
Sherritt, Isabella
Sherritt, John
Siegel, Charles
Silvey, Evelyn A.
Smith, Baby Tillie
Smith, Charles E.
Smith, David A.
Smith, Earl H.
Smith, Gertrude R.
Smith, Laura V.
Smith, M.L.
Smith, Mary M.
Smith, S.J.
Smith, Sam, Mrs.
Smith, Tillie
Smithman, Fred E.
Snyder, Charles. H.
Spagnoli, Cesare
Stall, Infant,
Star, Harry
Steel, Harry
Stephens, Frank
Stewart, George
Stirling, James S.
Stoll, Mary
Stover, Bud
Strambini, Domenica
Strambini, Pietro
Stuart, P.
Sugget, William D.
Summers, Rudolph
Sundquest, Emanuel
Suttoner, August
Swanson, Child
Sweeney, Clyde
Taylor, Harry
Taylor, L., Mrs.
Taylor, Sarah Ann
Teeter, Bessie
Teeter, Edgar
Teeter, Jacob
Teeter, Rhoda Ann
Telzner, Frank L.
Terolli, Vigillo
Therkauf, Anton
Thomas, B.
Thomas, Estelle
Thomas, Jim
Thomas, Marie
Thompson, E.W. (Duke)
Thorndike, D.W.
Tibbets, M.
Ticich, Nick
Titus, Frank
Titus, John
Todd, Frances P.
Toft, Christina A.
Toft, Martin Peter
Tomlinson, Alta, Mrs.
Tomlinson, Ida
Truick, Jennie, Mrs.
Turner, Fred
Turpin, April
Varney, children
Vernon, Alice
Von Fluee, Fred
Von Fluee, Pius
Von Fluee, William
Walker, Anderson M.
Wallace, George B.
Wando, Baby
Waters, Edwin
Waters, Irving
Waters, Viola
Watkins, Grant
Watson, Herbert S.
Watson, Janet D.
Webster, Norman
Welty, Mr.
West, A.R.
Whalen, Baby
Wheeler, George B.
White, Earnst
White, James Wilgus
Whiting, D.
Wiley, Mrs.
Willard, G.D.
Williams, Bessie D.
Williams, John G.
Williams, Lizzie
Williams, M.L.
Williams, Steven
Wilson, J.B.
Wolf, John
Wood, John C.
Woodridge, A.S.
Woodruff, Elizabeth
Woodward, Alice M.
Workings, Child
(Inventory taken 1993-1994 and retaken 1996-1997--with assorted photos)
OF BLOCK 1 LOT 1, C MCGLASHAN Group Plot[Wrought iron enclosure] Group Stone George McGlashen Kelley,d. 1921 June McGlashan Kelley, d. 1955 Douglas McGlashan Kelley M.D.MEDSCD, d.1958 George F. Kelley D.D.S., d. 1971 Group Stone "McGlashan" Charles F., b. Aug. 12, 1847, d.Jan. 6,1931 Leonora G., b. Feb. 18, 1854, d.Feb.18,1934 Group Stone John Keiser,(1823-1887) "Died May 28, 1887 Aged 64 Years" "A Mexican Veteran and Cal. Pioneer" Elizabeth Keiser, "born Dec. 25, 1827,Died Apr. 10, 1892" C.F. McGlashan, 1847-1930 [sic] Robert Charles McGlashan, Col. U.S. Marine Corps, WWII, May 14, 1915-MY 13, 1995, "He loved his family, his country, these mountains" Robert Charles McGlashan, Jr., September 14, 1940-June 21, 1959 "Son, brother, friend, companion" OF BLOCK 1, LOT 2, M. BACHELDER Richele Lynn Acevido "Our little angel, Jan. 9, 1891 -Nov. 20, 1895" [Cupid sculpture] OF BLOCK 1, LOT 3, W. BUCKNAM Photo Group Plot "Bucknam" Group Stone "Laura E. Bucknam, Apr. 11, 1956-Feb 1, 1917" [footstone: LEB] "W.A. Bucknam, Mar. 8, 1849-June 23, 1923" [footstone: WAB] "William F. Wilkie, 1868-1949" [footstone: WFW] Burial Record, no stone: Robert Hall, wife and child, 1894 OF BLOCK 1, LOT 4, D.W. Leach Group Plot [Green wrought iron enclosure with Odd Fellows symbol--broken monument] Almarine Leach, "1847-1920" Edgar Leach, "Feb. 28, 1873, Nov. 5, 1893" Native Sons of the Golden West (NSGW) "Gone but not forgotten" Burial Records, no stones: D.W. Leach Lizzie Leach OF BLOCK 1, LOT 5, J. LAMBERT [sic] Baby Chester Ashton, [1899-1900]"son of R.A. & M. Ashton Died May 13, 1900 Aged 7 Mos 3 Ds" Mrs. Ellen B. Lambrecht, "April 2, 1842-May 17, 1906" Burial Records, no stones: J. Lambert, grandchild Arthur Ashton, "killed by Hobart Mills team, 1915" OF BLOCK 1, LOT 0, FAYE & WHITE Photo Group Plot [Low concrete enclosure] James H. Fay, "Jan. 2, 1872-Aug. 22, 1931" Group Stone: John Fay "born Dec. 28, 1844, died Nov. 21, 1906" Annie Fay "born Nov. 14, 1852 died June 30, 1928" James Wilgus White "born Oct, 13, 1897 died Nov. 2, 1904, Our darling lamb" Peter Fay, "1879-1919" OF BLOCK 2, LOT 6, G. HARRISION James S. Stirling [1845-1886] "Died Mar. 20, 1886 Aged 41 Years --My Husband" [clasped hands] "We long for the household voices gone /For vanished smiles we long/But God hath led our dear ones on. And he can do no wrong" Henry J.[Harrison] 1860-1877, "son of E. & Geo.W. Harrison Died June 6, 1877 Aged 17 yr's 5 mo's 26 d's" [Rose] "Our beloved son, gone but not forgotten" Burial Record,no stone: Nicoli Nobilli OF BLOCK 2, LOT 7, J.F. MOODY Group Plot [iron fence with name, "Moody"] Burial Records, no stones: J.F. Moody, 1900 Mrs. J.F. Moody Minnie Brown Moody, 1888 Minnie B. Moody, infant, 1899 [moved from lot 38] OF BLOCK 2, LOT 8 John I. Paris, "1855-1918" [Odd Fellows symbol] "A native of Ohio" Charles F. Sonne, "died May 11, 1913" [Odd Fellows symbol] W.W. Forrest "born Dec. 8, 1844, died May 29, 1881, Native of New York" Rosewell W. Jones [1850-1883] "Born at Washington, Knox Co. Maine, Oct. 3, 1850 Died Aug. 27, 1883" Benjamin Love [1832-1890] "Died Dec. 9, 1890 Aged 58 Years " [Odd Fellows symbol] OF BLOCK 2, LOT 9 Group Plot, concrete enclosure inscibed. "Teeter" Photo Group Stone: Jacob Teeter,"1842-1891" [Actually born July 20, 1834, Belvidere, NJ, died Nov. 7, 1891, Truckee, CA] Margaret A. Teeter,1852-1921 [Actually born Aug. 15, 1852, Peoria, IL, died June 26, 1921, Calpine, CA.] John K. Teeter, 1876-1945 [Actually born May 22, 1876, Truckee, CA] Edgar A. Teeter,1872-1923, [Actually born Sept. 12, 1874, died Feb. 21, 1923, Truckee, CA] Edna [Sonia] May Teeter,1901-1902 Unknown [Possibly Rhoda Teeter]"First Grav[sic]1870" [Flat concrete marker with no further visible inscription. Rhoda Reed Teeter, 1st wife of Jacob Teeter, born abt. Aug. 1847, died May 10, 1870, Truckee, CA] Burial Record, no stone: James Johnson [Possible drowning victim June 2, 1876.] OF BLOCK 2, LOT 10 Maria Rizzi [1884-1918] "Morta Il 20, Ottobre, 1918 Nella Eta Di 34 Anni, Baby" Baby Maria Figli [Not seen in recheck, 1998] Burial Records, no stones: [Mrs. G. Rizzi and child or "two infants"] Martha Parker Samuel Parker Joseph Mathews OF BLOCK 2, LOT 0 Elizabeth F. Allen [1868-1925] "Born Apr. 14, 1868, Died Feb. 22, 1925 Aged 60 yrs. 10 mos. & 8 dys Native of Maine" [Allen shield] Group Plot, concrete enclosure: Group Stone inscribed "Hope" Chas. Hope, "died 1929" Bertha Hope, "died 1935" Burial Records,no stones: James Allen, died 1947 Mrs. W.H. Barnum, died 1925 OF BLOCK 3, LOT 11, Richmond Group Plot [No enclosure, footstones: A.J.R., F.L.R,. L.M.R.] Group stone Addie J. Richmond , 1843-1876, "My wife" "wife of W.C. Richmond died Sept. 22, 1876 aged 33 Yrs. 4 Mos , Loved one rest" Luella May Richmond [1875-1875] "died March 26, 1875 aged 5 Mos. 12 days" Frank Lenoir Richmond [1873-1873] "died July 9, 1873 aged 6 Mos. 9 days" Burial Records, no stones: James Bartley John Golden, 1882 OF BLOCK 3, LOT 12 Infant, "Daughter of Albert H & Mary E. Clark, Died Sept 5, 1874" V.M.Andrich,"1888-1916, Brother, Native of Austria, Dalmacia" Geo. Andrich, "1883-1951" [Odd Fellows symbol] Photo Burial Records, no stones: Charles Kimball, 1911 Rebecca Sayles OF BLOCK 3, LOT 13 Group Plot [concrete slabs] Photo Nancy Coughlin, "1867-1910, beloved wife of John and mother of Mary" John Coughlin, "1857-1937, beloved husband of Nancy and father of Mary" W.C. Irwin,"died July 12, 1891, aged 41 years" Burial Records, no stones: John A. Hilger, died 1913 L. Hettenhauser [child] OF BLOCK 3, LOT 14, A. TOFT Group Plot [Concrete enclosure, raised letters "TOFT"] Margaret L. Toft, Oct. 9, 1896, Oct. 26, 1983 [not seen 1998] Martin Peter Toft,Nov. 3, 1884, Dec.19, 1972, "California CPL COD 21 Engineers World War I" Christina Toft, born Dec. 14, died 1857-Oct. 23, 1890, "In memory of beloved wife of Andrew J. Toft" OF BLOCK 23, LOT 15, MORRILL Group Plot [concrete enclosure] Photo Mary Lucretia Morrill [1868-1911] "Died June 19, 1911 Aged 43 Yrs. 9 Mos. 23 days" "beloved wife of Eben R. Morrill" "Erected by the women of woodcraft" "Her suffering ended with the day, yet lives she at the close" Harry Morrill [1890-1903] "Died June 25, 1903 Aged 13 Yrs. 3 Mos. 14 days" "Harry Leland Morrill, beloved son of Eben R. & Mary L. Morrill" Eben Raymond Morrill, "1859-1915, At rest" Group stone: Robert P. Bick,"1884-1963" Lucille M. Bick ,"1891-1986" Mamie O'dessa Bick Gily, "Nov. 17, 1915-Feb. 24, 1989" Group Plot, concrete enclosure George P. Morrill [1828-1911] "Died July 18, 1891 Aged 63 yrs & 12 days, Rest" Group stone, "Morrill" George Morrill Flo Morrill Lester Morrill OF BLOCK 3, LOT 0, J.A. LAITY] Group Plot [Black wrougt iron fence] Group stone: Photo Harry Laity, "1838-1905, Husband, After life's fitful dream he rests well" Jane Laity, "born Aug. 25, 1842, died Aug. 9, 1910 Native of England, gone to her loved ones" Wm Henry, [1861-1881], "son of H & J Laity, Died Oct.18, 1881 aged 20 Ys. 8 Ms. 23 ds" "Yet again we hope to meet thee when the day of life has fled..." Morrison, "1881-1893, We loved him" [outside of enclosure] Burial Record, no stone: Emma Laity OF BLOCK 4, LOT 16, POWELL Group Plot [Concrete enclosure] Group Stone, Powell, [Odd Fellows symbol] Photo Ray E. Powell, "1886-1936" Frank S.Powell, "1857-19__" Elsa M.Powell, "1887-1980" Emma E., "1866-19__" Elizabeth Burckhalter, [1808-1876] wife of Adam Burckhalter, born Aug. 15, 1808, Died Mch. 5, 1876 aged 67 years" May Powell "Mother, Sacred to the memory of" "Only gone before" Burial Record, no stone: W.H. Powell, died 1910 OF BLOCK 4, LOT 17, J.MARZEN Group Plot Group Stone Photo (Front--east facing) Joseph Marzen Jr. "born 1850 , died 1924" Emma Masten Marzen, "born 1856, died 1889" Emmalita Marzen, "born 1889, died 1890" Joseph Keimes Marzen, "born 1882, died 1910" (Back--west facing) Isabella Robinson Masten, "born 1821, died 1874" Katie McClara Marzen , "born 1876, died 1877" McClara Barbara Marzen, "born 1880, died 1882" John Gordon Mackay, "born 1878, died 1954" Ethel Marzen McBride, "born 1886, died 1965" John G. Mackay, Jr., Nov. 23, 1912-May 1, 1961 "Calif. Lt. Col. US army, WWII" Bernice H.Mackay, "1912-1993, beloved gram" Marguerite Marzen Mackay, "born 1878, died 1968" Laurena Marzen Baker, "born 1892, died 1957" Burial Records, no stones: Joseph Marzen, Jr., infant Mrs. W.K. Masten [sic] OF BLOCK 4, LOT 18 Group Plot E.N. Henry, [1857-1882] "Born Nov. 14, 1857 Died in Reno Sept. 28, 1882" "In memory of...beloved son of J.B. Henry & brother of Mrs. J.N. Abbay" "...Native of California, A light from our household....." James N. [Henry] [1871-1871] "Died Nov. 24, 1871 Aged 5 days" Edward L. [Henry][1880-1880] "Died Sept.18, 1880 Aged 5 months" OF BLOCK 4, LOT 19, DUNCAN & SHERRITT Group Plot, [Granite enclosure] Group Stone: "Sherritt" [Masonic emblem] Photo James Sherritt,"Jan. 22, 1841-Nov. 9, 1905" Isabella Sherritt, "Aug. 29, 1818-June 2, 1896" John Sherritt, "Oct. 10, 1860-Sept. 28, 1934" Group Stone: James Duncan [1851-1917] "Died Nov. 30, 1917 aged 66 years --With his loved ones" Rebecca M. Duncan, 1855-1889, "wife of James Duncan" "Died Oct. 24, 1889 aged 34 years, Gone but not forgotten" James Duncan [1888-1888[ "son of J & R Duncan" Died March 14, 1888 aged 8 days--In heaven with Mama" Burial Record, no stone: Mrs. Captain Sherritt OF BLOCK 4, LOT 20 [Under a pine tree, no enclosure] Isaac George, [1821-1892] " Died March 1, 1892 aged 71 years" Burial Records, no stones: Abbott infant Jacob Cross, died 1888 Mrs. J.R. Cross, died 1888 Cross: two infants OF BLOCK 4, LOT 0, SMITH Group Plot [Low rock enclosure, inscribed "Smith"] Mary M. Smith, "1846-1910" Samuel J. Smith, Jr., "1853-__" David J. Smith, "1845-1915" Gertrude R. Smith, "1869-1942" Horace A. Smith, "1875-1924" Charles E. Smith, "1872-1963" Earl H. Smith, "1901-1978" Laura V. Smith, "1907-1978" Burial Records no stones: Mrs. C.E. Smith, 1943 (See also MO Block 8, Lot 40) Sam Smith (See also MO Block 8, Lot 40) O.V. Harvey, 1904 OF BLOCK 5, LOT 21, BURCKHALTER Group Plot, Burckhalter, granite enclosure: Photo Group Stone, one tall four-sided monument with inscription [wrapped around base:]"Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, In that day when I make up my jewels And they shall be mine" Beatrice [Burckhalter],"Third daughter of Fredk. & Mary b. Cal. Nov. 6, 1875, d. Cal. Feb. 14, 1877" Nelson Frederk.[Burckhalter][1866-1883] "Second son born Cal. May 25, 1866 died Nev. Mar 6, 1883" Walter Hasty [1799-1876], "born Maine Aug. 6, 1799 died Cal. Aug. 14, 1876" Mary E. [Burckhalter] [1835-1901] "wife of Fred K. Burckhalter born Maine Oct. 20, 1835 died Cal Dec. 25, 1901" Fredk. Burckhalter, [1835-1880] "born Ohio Oct. 22, 1835 died Cal. Apr. 9, 1880 " OF BLOCK 5, LOT 22, Group Plot, green wrought iron enclosure on wood base plaque set in wood, "Thorndike" on metal plate Burial Records, no stones: D.W. Thorndike, died 1899 Harry Burning,infant; Mrs. A. Lyman Bessie M. Frazier, died 1909 Welthea Jane Lyman [1847-1874] "died June 21, 1874 aged 27 years & 23 days," "In memory of...beloved wife of Albert Lyman" OF BLOCK 5, LOT 23 Andrew J. McPhetres, "1852-1919" [Odd Fellows symbol] M.L. Williams, [1845-1908] "died Sept. 10, 1908 aged 63 years" [Odd Fellows symbol] Frank O. Meyers [1861-1908] "died Jan. 2, 1908 aged 47 years" [Odd Fellows symbol] Burial Records, no stones: M.K. Burke W.C. McBee, died 1912 Lee Robbins, infant OF BLOCK 5, LOT 24 Frank E. Bates, "1876-1919" [Odd Fellows symbol] "In memory of" Mother Lulu Montross, "1882-1919" Burial Records, no stones: Buschini Mary Ann Rogal Mrs. H.J. Montrose [Montross] William McKinney OF BLOCK 5, LOT 25, C.A. OCKER Group Plot, concrete enclosure Group Stone Naomi B. Ocker, "1867-1919, Beloved wife of C.A. Ocker" C.A. Ocker, "1863-1933" Georgia L. Chloupek, "1871-1930" [On top of west wall] Burial Records, no stones: J.B. Davis, died 1894 J.C. Ocker, died 1885 OF BLOCK 5, LOT 0 Samuel A. Follett, "1882-1960" [Masonic emblem] Marion O. Follett, May 22, 1911-Oct. 17, 1977,SP1 US Navy World War II" Erma R. Follett, "July 12, 1920-Jan. 26, 1978" Georgia Agnes Follett, "1887-1962" Group Stone, Little: Richard [Little], "1901-1957" Lucille [Little], "1901-1953" OF BLOCK 6, LOT 26, W.E. KRUGER Footstones Only E.L.A. Flossy Burial Record, no stone: W.H. Kruger, infant OF BLOCK 6, LOT 27, McKay Granite enclosure, large stone monument, inscriptions not visible Emma L. Potts, [1880-1880], "Daughter of W.F. & Sussie F. Potts Died Feb. 2, 1880 aged 1 Month 15 days" Photo [located outside enclosure, behind McKay plot] Burial Records, no stones: Stewart McKay, 1934, "ashes buried east of monument" J.M. Conner, 2 infants Charles A. Morton Mrs. Frazer, sister of McKay OF BLOCK 6, LOT 28 Addie S. Putnam, "Wife of Albert Putnam died Oct. 12, 1880, Mother" [inscription unclear] Orel Kelier, "Aug. 25, 1864-April 4, 1902" [Odd Fellows symbol] E.O. Meyers "died Jan. 2, 1908 aged 67 years" [See also F.O. Meyers , Block 5, Lot 23] OF BLOCK 6, LOT 29, J.W. GIFFEN I. Lou Greeley, "Jan. 27, 1872- June 2, 1900 [top stone] "Ida Lou Giffen (Dolly Gifen Greeley), 1-27-1872--6-2-1900" [bottom stone] Group Stone: John Wallace Giffen, "6-25-1869--8-18-1890, son" George W. Giffen"2-18-1831--11-22-1916, father" Melissa, [Giffen] "1-7-1837--8-14-1914, mother" OF BLOCK 5, LOT 30 [Large concrete enclosure, only one stone] William McDougald, "Feb. 6, 1906" [Odd Fellows symbol] "A precious one from us has gone, a voice I loved is stilled a place is vacant in my home which never can be filled" [opposite side: "W. McDougald"] Burial Record, no stone: W. Hively, child OF BLOCK 6, LOT 0 Niboli Natale, [1882-1930] "Nato 1882 Morto Giugno 17, 1930" [Odd Fellows symbol] Frank C. Ahlstrom "1857-1931, Native of Sweden" [Odd Fellows symbol] Valentino Mazzucchi "1888-1936" Photo Victor Salvaterra "1887-1963" [Odd Fellows symbol] See photo above To rear of plot: Harriet [Donnelly] [1828-1910] "died Nov 13, 1910 aged 82 years, Beloved wife of Peter Donnelly, Native of Albany NY...Her end was peace" Mary Ann [Wheeler] "Mar. 15, 1834-Nov. 10, 1911, Beloved wife of Geo. B. Wheeler Native of Merton Wis" Clarence Wheeler "1888-1920" Burial Record, no stone: Fred Cook, infant OF BLOCK 7, LOT 31 Group Plot Charley Lipscombe [1876-1894] See photo below "died Sept. 23, 1894 aged 18 years" [Headstone with picture] Kitty Lipscombe James H. Lipscombe [1852- 1890] Photo "died June 3, 1890, aged 38 years" [Headstone with picture] Almata Rockway [stone not seen in 1998] Burial Records, no stones: L. Lipscomb, infant L. Lincoln, infant Clara Grant Paul Menck, infant Tickner infant, 1904 OF BLOCK 7, LOT 32 Baby Wando [Thomas], "daughter of B. & L. Thomas, born April 21, 1905, died August 20, 1906, Only a little flower God wanted for his own garden " Burial Record, no stones: A. Baldwin, infant Gus Bean, infant Samuel Champion Nicholds, child Japanese Baby, 1913 Lemmon child, 1902 OF BLOCK 7, LOT 33 Four metal plates in ground: Stuart, [Also burial record for P. Stewart, infant] Children of 1888 [Also burial record for John Cook, infant, died 1888] M.C. Osborn, 1938, [Also burial record for Melvin Osborne, infant, died 1938] Curran, 1890 [Also burial record for John Curran, infant, died 1890] Burial Records, no stones: Hazel Burston, child 1903 James Frazier, infant 1891 E. Campbell, 1880 Rhodes, child OF BLOCK 7, LOT 34 Group Plot, Cassady, granite enclosure Group Stone [Alexander Cassidy] "1826-1885, Father"[name taken from burial record] [Elizabeth Cassidy] "1836-1908, Mother" [name taken from burial record] William Cassady "1869-1899" Thomas Cassady "1871-1906" Dollie Rockey "1867-1892" C.F. McGovern "1902-1903" Burial Records, no stones: Nat McPeters Bessie Roesler OF BLOCK 7, LOT 35 Leonard G. Hallbom "born Jun. 25, 1912, died Apr. 15, 1914, N[ative of] Truckee" Burial Records: Hank Burton Dick Henderson Fred White Krailaur, 2 infants Mrs. C. Huber, 1892 OF BLOCK 7, LOT 0, Group Plot, Wood enclosure painted green, inscribed "Wood" Group Stone, side 1: Robert Bruce Wood, "born Sept. 13, 1874, died Dec. 15, 1898 Flora Elizabeth Wood, "born Oct. 25, 1876, died Dec. 23, 1913, Natives of Council Bluffs, Iowa" Group Stone, side 2: Christa Bruce Donnelly, "1848-1928" Grant Watkins, "1875-1929" Leslie B. Nelson, "Sept. 21, 1910-Feb. 4, 1921, son of Harry L. and Winnifred E. Nelson, Our boy" OF BLOCK 8, LOT 36, W. POMINI Florence H. Parlin, [1879-1879] "daughter of Elden C. & Sarah J. Parlin died Aug. 17, 1879, aged 7 mos." "Pomin" [granite enclosure] Burial Records, no stones: J. Pomini William Pomini, child (2?) George Lewis, 1899 Harry Taylor W.J. Taylor, child E.O. Parlin, infant OF BLOCK 8, LOT 37, TOWNSEND AND STALL Group Stone: Mary Stoll [1849-1883] "wife of Joseph Stoll died May 14, 1883 aged 33 yrs 8 mos 3 days Native of Westphalia, MO" Joseph Stoll [1834-1891] "died Feb. 12, 1891 aged 56 yrs 9 mos 12 days" Burial Records, no stones: Eva Townsend Stall, infant OF BLOCK 8, LOT 38 Group Plot: Mary M. McPherson "1840-1893" Henry L. McPherson "1838-1877" Elmira M. McPherson "1874-1876" Burial Records, no stones: J.N. Paine,child Yarbrough, child OF BLOCK 8, LOT 39, G.W. DUNSTEN [sic] Katie Franzini [1886-1910] broken stone, black wrought iron fence Burial Records, no stones: G.W. Dunsten [sic] infant W.C. Durno, wife and child McKay, infant Mary Schwabel, 1903 Wing Lee, [Lee Wing] OF BLOCK 8, LOT 40 Group Plot: Concrete pad on top of unmarked grave Group Stone, concrete slab with one upright monument, one imbedded flat metal plaque. Susan Grace [Cook] [1870-1899] "died Aug. 5, 1899 aged 29 Yr's. 2 Mo's. 16 Dy's Mother... wife of J.F. Cook" [upright stone] John F. Cook "1868-1947" [plaque] Group Stone, concrete enclosure next to large pine stump: John McLeod, "1842-1927" Catherine M. McLeod "1842-1929" Burial Records, no stones: Mrs. Joseph Francis, 1886 Joseph Francis, 1896 Miss Edith Francis, 1886 Fred Cook [cremated] F. Cook McLeod, 1934 John T. Thulwall George Mahler, 1893 Bessie Mahler, 1892 OF BLOCK 8, LOT 0 Group Plot Peter Erickson [~1837- 1902] "died 1902 aged 65 yrs. Native of Sweden" Darwin LaFond [1860-1905] "died Mar. 5, 1905 aged 45 yrs. Native of Canada" OF BLOCK 9, LOT 41, J. WILLIAMS Group Plot, enclosed by wrought iron fence Lucinda Milligan Williams, "1842-1918, Wife and Mother" "Baby Mayo" John G. Williams [1837-1902] "Husband...born in Pittsburgh Penn. Apr. 9, 1837 died in Truckee Cal. Aug. 1, 1902" Bessie Days Annie Bell [Emma Bella Brown in Burial Records] Burial Records, no stones Mrs. L. Taylor, 1918 Taylor, infant E. Baldwin George Steen OF BLOCK 9, LOT 42 Rebecca Lyles [1816-1886] "died Dec. 29, 1886 aged 70 Years. Grandmother" Burial Records, no stones: Elizabeth Woodruff, 1894 Gustif Pfose, 1887, "drowned in Truckee River 1887" Hugh Porter and son, 1888 Lizzie Hornbuckle Thomas Hommond [sic] OF BLOCK 9, LOT 43 Leonard Reckards [1833-1876] "Sacred to the memory of...who departed this life March 9, 1876 aged 42 Years 10 Ms & 28 D's. Gone but not forgotten" Burial Record, no stone: Jacob Long, 1878 OF BLOCK 9, LOT 43, E.J. CAMPBELL Group Plot: concrete enclosure marked "Campbell" [American Legion marker in ground] Group Stone: Edwin J. [Campbell] "1857-1936" Thomas B. [Campbell] "1903-1938" Eliza J. [Campbell] "1867-1951" Colin C. [Campbell] "1900-1973" Juliet . [Campbell] "1910-___" William J. [Campbell] "1897-1952" William J. Jr. [Campbell] "1928-1996" Burial Record, no stone: Maggie Campbell, 1897 James Goulden, "Jan. 3, 1853-May 6, 1909" [outside and to rear of the Campbell plot] Burial Records, no stones: John Golden, 1882 William Golden OF BLOCK 9, LOT 45, Burial Records, no stones: Sarah Ann Taylor Phillip W. Taylor Waldo Allen N. Payette, 1890 John Meloch, 1903 Mrs.J. Meloch (Phillips), 1883 OF BLOCK 9, LOT 0 Burial Records, no stones: Phillipo Barnum, 1901 John Sutherland, 1904 OF BLOCK 10, LOT 46 Joanna Newkirk "1835-1875" Photo S. Chambers, "Mar. 1, 1853 -Feb.15, 1884, son of Thomas & Mary Chambers, A native of Nova Scotia. Erected to his memory by his wife" [Footstone: "S.C."] Burial Records, no stones: Mart A. Adams Mrs. R. J. Bayone Samuel Belcher, child Elliott Mary Rivers, 1894, child Rounds, child Thomas Zuinglius OF BLOCK 10, LOT 47 William C. Emery "1881-1921" Burial Records, no stones: A.L. Keller, 1888 John Rablin, 1892, child Mrs. A. Young Sam York August Suttoner OF BLOCK 10, LOT 48 Group Plot: Rudolph Leo Summers, "Oct. 24, 1918 , California PVT 21 Inf. 16 Div" [American Legion Marker] Annie E. Summers "June 26, 1935, Mother" Wm. D. Summers, "Nov. 6, 1938, Father" Group Plot: Frances J. Maher "Sept. 1, 1891-Aug. 9, 1975. Beloved mother" Thomas F. Maher, "1886-1955 Sarah Jane Large, "1874-1938" Burial Records, no stones: Edna Hunsinger, 1888 Van Vleet, infant John Betts Sherman Baker, 1891 Minnie Salvin, 1895 Infant, 1892, child of Spanish Mary Salusa OF BLOCK 10, LOT 49 Giovanni Scopinelli, [ ___- 1940] "...California PVT.1 Cl 21 Inf. 16 Div.0, August 5, 1940" Burial Records, no stones: James Reed, [1840-1905] [born Oct. 1, 1840, nr. Galion, OH, died Mar. 23, 1905, Truckee] Domingo [Carasco] Reed, 1888 Charles Shubert, 1888 William Richie, (Old Lobo) A.J. Wilts, 1886, child D. Seavers, child OF BLOCK 10, LOT 50 Group Plot: W.T. Horton [1824-1893] "died June 7, 1893 aged 69 yrs 3 mos." [Footstone: "W.T.H."] Mary E. Horton [1837-1876] "wife of W.T. Horton died Sept. 27, 1876 aged 39 yrs" [Footstone: "M.E.H."] Burial Records, no stones: Reed, child M. Richardson Smith children, two children of Dave Smith Swanson, child OF BLOCK 10, LOT 0 Burial Record, no stone: Joe Cetta, 1915 OF BLOCK 11, LOT 51 Burial Records, no stones: Charles F. Burns, 1891 John Boliner [removed to Catholic Cemetery] Mixini Bellvilli, 1893 Mrs. Duffy James Goggins Martin Orthope, 1890 E. Remington, 1904 Robert Shearer M. Tibbets OF BLOCK 11, LOT 52 Burial Records, no stones: Anna Fogarty, 1891 Rose Galager, 1889 Mrs. Mather Thomas OF BLOCK 11, LOT 53 Burial Records, no stones: Bell Ford (Edna Muir) James Muir M.H. Greely James McHenry, 1885 George B. Wallace, 1885 OF BLOCK 11, LOT 54 Burial Records, no stones: Lemy Brown T. Crofford Jay Drifford [sic] B. Ellison Isabelle Jet Hagley OF BLOCK 11, LOT 55 Ornate wooden enclosure, tall wooden monument, no visible inscriptions Burial Records, no stones: James McNutt Mrs. J. McNutt William McNutt, infant Workings, child H. Dagget Dagget, wife and child Mrs. Hubbard OF BLOCK 11, LOT 0 Native stone in wrought iron enclosure. No inscriptions. Burial Records, no stones: George Murry Ida Snell, 1908 OF BLOCK 12, LOT 56 Chr. H. Snyder, "Co. E 34 Ohio Inf." Mrs. Julia Canon [1831-1897], "died Aug. 26, 1897 aged 66 years. A native of New York State" Photo Burial Records, no stones: Frank Childs Henry Louis, 1891, aka Magee , "Union soldier killed by train at Yuba RR bridge and buried by Truckee Post G.A.R., 1891" ___ McBarret Cristin Schnider, 1894 Maud Woodside, 1894 John Flinn, 1886, "drowned at Prosser Creek, 1886" OF BLOCK 12, LOT 57 Burial Records, no stones: Julie Walker,1888,"died of morphine poison,1888" A.R. West, 1888, child Charles Adams Antone F. Berthatt OF BLOCK 12, LOT 58 Arthur N. Butler, 1855-1878 "born in Appleton Maine Sept. 12, 1855 died in Truckee Cal. Sept. 5, 1878." Burial Records, no stones: Mrs. Patterson William Sayles Marshall Hall, 1886 OF BLOCK 12, LOT 59 Burial Records, no stones: Julian Hallett, 1885 Howard Hatty, 1886 "found dead at Trout Creek, 1886" Billy Woodruff Frank Miller, 1886 Millner, child Epamania Anaya,1886 OF BLOCK 12, LOT 60 Anderson M. Walker [1830-1882] "died Nov. 14, 1882 aged 52 yrs 9 [mos] Native of Kenton, Ky" Burial Records, no stones: T.J. Briggs, child E.W. Church, child OF BLOCK 12, LOT 0 Burial Records, no stones: Mary Terill Mrs. S.J. Harringham, 1915 OF BLOCK 12, LOT 61, Trueman C. Kimbrough, "December 17, 1908-September 10, 1938" Willard K. Drake, "July 27,1842-Oct. 13,1904. Born in Livermore, Maine" Burial Records, no stones: Clarence Kimbrough, 1938 J.C. Lunn J.K. Drake, 1904 Martin Edwards, 1903 Doolittle, 1902, died at Summit William M. Golden Porter, child Titus, Union soldier OF BLOCK 13, LOT 62 Burial Records, no stones: William Darnell Ethel Whiteacre George Pearson and two children OF BLOCK 13, LOT 63 Burial Records, no stones: Sarah Hanks (Frichie) C.B. Frichie OF BLOCK 13, LOT 64 Jibboom St. Ladies Garden [Rock ring around Iris; green bench under pine] Burial Records, no stones: Lucy Eltralls, 1893 Lotie M. Duane, 1886 Katie Duane, 1888 "Sally Hamond" Adilia Garcia, 1893 Mary Grakey, 1888 "aka cockeyed Frankie" Florence Cavinaugh, 1887 "Gurtie Sikes" Morrison May Salusa, 1895, infant OF BLOCK 13, LOT 65, A.C. VARNEY Varney [Stone in ground] Burial Records, No inscribed stones A.C. Varney, 1892 Sarah Varney, 1921 Varney, 3 children [one metal plate "Varney child"] Monument placed by Truckee Advisory Council, High Sierra Seniors, 1983: "In fond memory of:" EarlBrown, "1899-1971" Jo Brown, "1918-1982" OF BLOCK 13, LOT 0,PAUPER'S LOT "Nevada County Kurtz and her brother"; Burial Record: G.A. Kurtz; , Burial Records, no stones: John Mickell, 1899, killed at Bridge 24 James Furlong, 1893
MO BLOCK 1, LOT 1, J.D. PARKS Group Plot, Green, wrought iron fence enclosure, [Masonic emblem] W. Park [1833-1903] d. May, 1903 Aged, 70 years [William Park on burial record] A.D. Park [1822-1878] [A.David Park on burial record] Burial Record, no stone: Charles Barfield, 1906 MO BLOCK 1, LOT 2, J. HILTON Group Plot [Masonic emblem] George W. Hilton "1869-1939" Group Stone: Laura A. Goulden "Sept. 1, 1846-Feb. 16, 1915" Joseph D. Hilton "Nov.18, 1828-Dec. 27, 1909" Charles [Hilton] [1868- 1889] "son of J.D. & L.A. Hilton, died Dec. 7, 1869, aged 21 yrs 6 mos 13 days" Group Stone, Eaton Etta M. [Eaton] "1872-1945" [Henrietta Eaton on burial record] Harry S. [Eaton] "1869-1959" Harry A. Eaton "Oct. 13, 1906-April 19, 1985, In Memory of" MO BLOCK 1, LOT 3 J. GRAHAM Concrete enclosure without stones. Burial records, no stones: A.J. Grayham Estelle Grayham Mrs. Jennie Truick MO BLOCK 1, LOT 4 Rachel Powell, [metal plate on wood] W.M.Powell [not seen in 1998] J.H. Cleland, born Mar. 17, 1830, died Jan. 17, 1903, "Erected by his wife Mary" [footstone "JHC"] Burial Record, no stone: Frank Stephens MO BLOCK 1, LOT 5 J. GOWLING Group Plot, granite enclosure Joseph Gowling "1845-1917" Isabella Gowling "May 29, 1852-Jan. 25, 1944" [Mrs. Phil Gowling on burial record] Agnes Sherritt "March 9, 1873-Aug. 8, 1945, Loving wife of John" MO BLOCK 1, LOT 66 CANADY Herbert Edwin Canady, "November 3, 1902-July 15, 1975" [Shown at Block 6 on burial record] Linda Ann Canady, "1950-1985, In loving memory of our daughter" Flat headstones, No Burial Records: George Herbert Verrender, "1915-1975" Ellan Broderick, "1863-1947" Alfred Latney, "1935-1971" Eleanor Nellie Straight, "1873-1956" John Roberson, "1909-1954" Solomon Kessey, "1965-1966" Unknown "Twin Boys Clark, 1955" MO BLOCK 1, LOT 67, No burial records, no stones MO BLOCK 1, LOT 68 Burial Record, no stone: Tolefson infant MO BLOCK 1, LOT 69 (Northern half of lot) Group Plot: Group Stone: Hazel Roberts, "1910-___" Ray Roberts, "1906-1952 Allan Roberts. "1911-1949 (Southern half of lot) Mark Marhaine "1959" [Metal on wood marker] Charleen Rae Rodoni, "Dec. 24, 1949-June 26, 1951" Hensley, "Jan. 24, 1956" "Son of J.L. and E.S. Hensley" Ramon Mayragal, 1960 April Marie Turpin, "November 4, '51-July, 18 '52" [Homemade concrete marker with etched angel] MO BLOCK 1, LOT 70 Charles Warner, child Burial Record, no stone: Oscar Erickson MO BLOCK 1, LOT 70-1/2 Duane Freeman,"1896-1975" Louise May, "1852 1951. Mother" Jack Leroy Kennedy, "Apr 16, 1921-Oct. 22, 1975. Pvt Army Air Force World War II" [grave may be in block 2] MO BLOCK 2, LOT 6, J.P. TURNER Burial Records, no stones: Julius DeBernardi J.P. Turner George W. Richardson Herbert E. Canady [Error on Burial Record. See lot 66] MO BLOCK 2, LOT 7 Oscar Schumacher [1888-1974] "died Jan. 22, 1974 aged 86 years"[Masonic emblem] Gus Schumacher[1877-1912]"died April 2, 1912 aged 35 years" [Masonic emblem] Burial Record, no stone: J. Adams and child MO BLOCK 2, LOT 8 John P. Cranmer Co. E 21 Mich. Inf Burial Records,no stones: S.E. Patterson Mrs. O.S. Davies Unknown child MO BLOCK 2, LOT 9, T. ROWE Gunder Anderson, "Nov. 4, 1841-Feb. 2, 1903, born in Norway" Group Plot: Thomas J. Rowe "1848-1906" [Masonic emblem] Elizabeth Thomas "1824-1908" Julia Rowe Laity "1863-1951" Bessie Rowe Teeter "1887-1970" MO BLOCK 2, LOT 10, FERGUSON Samuel Smith Ferguson "Jan. 28, 1841-June 19, 1900, Rest in peace" [Odd Fellows symbol] Burial Records, no stones: R.T. Ferguson Ira Ferguson MO BLOCK 2, LOT 71, IOOF GRANT, TITUS Group Plot, stone enclosure Group Stone: John C. [Titus] "1853-1940" Julia [Titus] "1858-1945" Group Stone, Titus Frank A. [Titus] "1877-1954" Flora R. [Titus] "1876-1959" Jack C. Titus "Jan.6, 1907-Apr. 30, 1989, Rest in peace" MO BLOCK 2, LOT 72, MAXOM Group Plot: Group Stone Jesse B. [Maxom] Jr."1905-1958" ____ Group Stone, Jesse B. [Maxom]"1872-1940" [Masonic symbol] Cora E. "1871-1945" [Eastern Star symbol] MO BLOCK 2, LOT 73 Group Stone, granite enclosure [between blocks 1 and 2] Herbert S. Watson "March 14, 1882-Feb. 2, 1953, Native of Tahoe" Janet D. Watson "Dec 12, 1881-Jan. 5, 1958" Calvin H. Sackett "1903-1968" Gert G. James John M. Williams "7-26-18--9-4-69, Beloved Brother" Andrew Mahne "1885-1950,Brother" [granite enclosure] Frank S. Holtz, "1880-1953" Enoch Richards, "Oct. 28, 1894-Feb. 4, 1953, Utah Pfc 2 Mechanics Regt As World War I" Burial Record, no stone: Frailasco Segura MO BLOCK 2, LOT 74, No Burial Records, no stones. MO BLOCK 2, LOT 75 Burial Records, no stones: James O'Brien Ernest B. Patterson Jack G. Dohme Oriole Dohme Charles McGleyn Frank J. Miller Kittee Sherman Frances P. Todd MO BLOCK 2, LOT 75 1/2, No Burial Records, no stones. MO BLOCK 3, LOT 11, E. ELLEN Group Plot, granite enclosure Group Stone: Jennie M. Ellen [1852-1877] "wife of P. Henry, El Dorado Co. 52--Truckee 77" Harry B. [Ellen] "our boy...aged 28 months" E.[stone inscription obliterated 1994, not seen 1998. See burial record for Elle Ellen] N.[obliterated 1994, not seen 1998] W.[obliterated 1994, not seen 1998] Burial Records, no stones: Annie F. Ellen,1887 Mrs. Ellen, 1891 Mrs. Emma Reglia, 1887 Elle Ellen Henry, 3 children MO BLOCK 3, LOT 12 Group Plot, concrete enclosure Photo Charles Siegel, "died May 30, 1915, aged 65 years"[Masonic emblem] F.J. Muldoon "1855-1929"[Masonic emblem] R.L. Mallett, "born March 6, 1856, died Aug. 21, 1879" Burial Records, no stones: Rowena Mallett, 1879 Evelina Seeley John A. Reglie A.S. Woodridge Frank Muldoon MO BLOCK 3, LOT 13 Thomas H. Conniff, [1835?-1877] "died July 20, 1877 aged 41 [or 11] yrs 8 mos 6 ds, In memory of" Burial Records, no stones: Henry Green Robert Hyslop, 1878 I.F. Harvey, 1934 MO BLOCK 3, LOT 14 Group Plot Photo John Woodward, "Aug. 7, 1884, Born in England" [large monument] Alice M. Woodward, "1858-1937,Wife" Joseph Lee Lewis, "Nov. 30, 1852-May 1, 1903" [concrete enclosure immediately behind Woodward graves] W.S. Dixon [1842-1886] "Gen. Barry Post No. 85 G.A.R. Co. CO. Vol. Inf. died Feb 13, 1886 aged 43 Years 3 Mos 25 days" [Wrought iron fence enclosure] Burial Record, no stone: Oscar Rank, 1902 MO BLOCK 3, LOT 15 Group Plot, Green wrought iron and chain link enclosure Pierce Laffin [1843-1894] "died March 16th 1894, aged 50 years 9 months and 16 days, Our comrade K of P [G.A.R.], a native of Ellsworth, Maine" [American Legion symbol] Homer Booth [1885-1887] "died July 24, 1887 aged 2 yrs 1 mo 17 ds son of J.C. & D.M. Booth" J.G. Booth [child size enclosure] MO BLOCK 3, LOT 76 Sarah Jane Anderhalden "9-9-1874--10-29-39" [Metal marker in 1994, not seen in 1998] Sarah G. Welty, 1904 [concrete enclosure] Burial Records, no stones: Mr. Welty So Shew Jew Farley Cooper MO BLOCK 3, LOT 77 no burial records. MO BLOCK 3, LOT 78 Group Stone Arthur H. Lawson, "1905-___" Nancy T. Lawson, "1914-1974" Burial Record, no stones: Felix Trujillo,1951 L. Tilson, 1946 Earnst White MO BLOCK 3, LOT 79 Group Plot Goldie Mottern, "1886-1948" Esther E. Mottern "1897-1968" John Cabona, "1879-1950" Alton T. Ellert, "1886-1955" Group Stone, "Bennets" granite enclosure: Evelyn [Bennets] "1880-1950" William [Bennets] "1876-1951" Dave Cabona "1886-1947" [granite enclosure] MO BLOCK 3, LOT 80 Patty Sue Carlson, "1939-1957" Burial Records, no stones: Norman Webster, 1956 Bob Anderson MO BLOCK 3, LOT 80 1/2] No burial records, no stones: MO BLOCK 4, LOT 16, O. HAMILTON Burial Records, no stones: Mrs. Hamilton William Hamilton William Curless Mary Curless Mrs. Curless MO BLOCK 4, LOT 17 Group Plot, granite enclosure: Baby [Arthur] Davies "Feb. 23, 1902-Apr. 7, 1902" Howard Davies "1900-1947" E. Belle Williamson "1880-1951" Burial Record, no stone: Frank Duglas MO BLOCK 4, LOT 18 Group Plot Group Stone: Emerald A.[Chapman], "1851-1933" Eva A. [Chapman], "1859-1893" William Raymond McClaskey, "1909-1920" Burial Records, no stones: A.E. Chapman, 1933 A.R. Deave [Deseve?], 1922 George W. Hart Paul Menke, child MO BLOCK 4, LOT 19, CUPPLES Group Stone, granite enclosure James Redmond [Cupples], "1899-1924" Samuel Redmond [Cupples], "1866-1940" Mary Ernestine [Cupples], "1877-1958" Group Plot A.[R?] P. Ferguson, [1842-1881] "drowned near Pacific, Cal. Mar. 23, 1881 aged 38 yrs 7 ms 11 ds" Henry B. Allen, "1879-1931, Erected by Sacramento Scottish Rite" MO BLOCK 4, LOT 20, H.H. JACOBS Group Plot Group Stone, granite enclosure with imbedded inscriptions: Norma Louise Gillespie "Dec. 14, 1886-Jan. 1, 1911" Norman Elias Scofield, "May 8, 1833-Apr. 11, 1912" Burial Record, no stone: Nellie May Jacobs, 1894 MO BLOCK 4, LOT 81, No Burial Records, no stones MO BLOCK 4, LOT 82, BESIO Group Plot, granite enclosure and large monument both inscribed "Besio" Orsolina Besio, "1878-1959, Beloved mother, at rest" Steve Besio, "1877-1946, Beloved father, at rest" Denver Lee Goode, [1943-1994] "son of Clair Goode and Lena Besio Goode, born Oct. 17, 1943, died Dec. 10, 1994" MO BLOCK 4, LOT 83, BILL'S BABIES, metal on wood markers except as noted Garland Infant, 1968 Homer Friend, "1897-1960" Jacob Ike Jacobson, "1981" Princess Sarah Lanini, "Dec. 15, 1981" [stone in ground] Baby Jane Doe, "1982" Maria and Paulina Rodriguez Camarina, "Sept. 5, 1983" Baby Gamache Tamy Osborne, "1970" Steven [Paul] Schultz, "1970" Baby boy Crecy, "1971" Baby Pinto [aka Jason Roma] Whitorell [Mains? Hare?] Robertson, "1962" [Micklen Roberson] Baby Newbrogh, "1972" Brandi Nicole [Frost] Baby Whalen, "1970" [Sherilyn] Bret Whitman Wainscoat, "March 31, 1873" Burial Records, no stones: Dennis J. Kelley Baby Newton Baby Kaylor Ann Routh Sharp Baby Otterson MO BLOCK 4, LOT 84 Margaret Brockelsby, "1961-1962" Eric Arthur Anderson, "1961-1962" Burial Records, ;no stones: Charles Ramirez, 1959 Harold C. Oleson MO BLOCK 4, LOT 85 George T. Bhonn, "1903-1960" John D. Enck, "Aug 26, 1906-July 20, 1961, Pennsylvania PVT Engr Det Alaska Dept World War II" Burial Records, no stones: Walter Bryan, 1959 Charles Hitchcock, 1959 David Schneider, 1959 Frank Johnson Guadalupe Jiminez, 1962 MO BLOCK 4, LOT 85-1/2, No burial records, no stones MO BLOCK 5, LOT 21] Sarah Lanyon, "child" [illegible inscription with carving of a swan) MO BLOCK 5, LOT 22 Group Plot, marble enclosure inscribed "Hoy" Morris Franzini, "1863-1925" Emma Franzini, "1852-1931" J.R. Garcia, "1851-1890, Father...Died Aug. 8, 1890 Aged 39 yrs...In memory of" John W. Hoy, "1862-1920" Charles Franklin Hoy, [1855-1879] "son of J.W. & Amanda S. Hoy departed this life Jan. 2, 1879 aged 23 Yrs 3 mo 13 days" Susan A. Hoy [1838-1900] "Mama, died April 11, 1900 aged 62 years" J.W. Hoy [1838-1891] "Papa, died Dec. 27, 1891 aged 61 years" MO BLOCK 5, LOT 23, W.E. HILL Group Stone, rock wall enclosing tree stump William [Hill] "1828-1911" Elizabeth [Hill] "1840-1922" Camilia [Hill] "1866-1885" William H. [Hill] "1869-1871" Burial Records, no stones: Henry Hinkle, 1951, cremated Bliss Hinkle, 1951, cremated MO BLOCK 5, LOT 24 Two concrete enclosures, head to toe, no markers John B. Evans [1847-1879] "died October 25, 1879 aged 32 years" [Masonic emblem] Burial Records, No known stones: John Jumebo, 1904 Robert T. (L.?) Hart, 1885 Bud Stover Peck, infant MO BLOCK 5, LOT 25 Concrete enclosure, no stones Burial Records: O'Niel child Frank Passage, 1892 George Middlewood, 1891 Gus DeConnel MO BLOCK 5, LOT 86, MC KAY Group Plot, granite enclosure: Group Stone, "McKay": Robert G. [McKay] "1877-1931" Elizabeth [McKay] "1877-1955" Earl [McKay] "1905-1958" Vernon [McKay] "1908-1958" Joseph Vernon McKay, "June 26,1908-Nov. 25, 1958, California PVT 8 service command World War II" MO BLOCK 5, LOT 87, COLLIER Group Plot , Inscribed tree trunk Group Stone Photo Harry C. Collier, "father" Anna M. Collier, "mother" Charles H. Collier, "son" Anna Maria Collier, "1880-1948" H.C. Collier "1877-1948" C.H. Collier ,"1908-1956" Ester E. Smith, "1902-1943" MO BLOCK 5, LOT 88, SALA Group Plot, stone wall enclosure: Dan Sala, "1895-1946" Antoinietta Zunino, "1922-1950" Bortola Sala, "1881-1951" Elizabeth Sala, "1886-1960" MO BLOCK 5, LOT 89 Group Plot, rocks set in concrete enclosure Group Stone Marvin Parkhurst, "Mar. 20, 1934-Jan. 7, 1993, A1C US Air Force" Vernon T. Parkhurst, "1900-1950" Mary M. Parkhurst, "1907-1996" Margaret M. Presleigh, "1874-1962" Burial Records, no stones: Lillian Bandur, 1950 Katherine Perry, 1962 MO BLOCK 5, LOT 89-1/2 Mary B. Nelson Robert J. Butler James Hyslop, "1872-1952" MO BLOCK 6, LOT 26 Little Lee [Dysart]"aged 1 yr 1 mo" Willie M. [Dyer][sic], [1867-1879], "drowned Mar. 29, 1879 aged 11 yrs 10 mos 20 days" Davida M.[Dysart] [1893-1902] "Daughter of D.M. & M. Dysart died July 15, 1902 age 9 Yrs 6 mos" MO BLOCK 6, LOT 27, OWENS Group Plot, granite enclosure: T.J. Owen, "1872-1914" Alice Louise Owen, "Dec. 21, 1900-Au. 22, 1902, Our sunshine" Mason B.[Ames] [1873-1880] "only child of P. & Mary Ames died Jan. 2, 1880 aged 6 ys 10 ms 17 ds" Group Stone: Thomas Charles MacWilliam, "July 14, 1918" Alexander MacGillivray, "Nov. 28, 1933" Two stones in ground, illegible MO BLOCK 6, LOT 28 Group Plot, side by side concrete enclosures: Chas. B. Painter [Masonic emblem] Emma L.Painter, "1857-1919" Baby, "Feb. 3, 1905, Our darling baby, grandson of H.G. and Hulda Adolph" Burial Records, no stones: Nellie Church, 1888 Mrs. Parson, 1890 MO BLOCK 6, LOT 29 J.P. Kelly, "1884-1927" Burial Record, no stone: Unknown child MO BLOCK 6, LOT 30, GRALLI Group Stone, Gralli Santina [Gralli], "1864-1950" Julius [Gralli], "1856-1931" Albert Randolph Gralli, "Nov. 17, 1891-June 2, 1971, In loving memory" [Image of locomotive and SP cars] Mrs. Mary E. Rust, "1869-1895, In loving memory" Burial Records, no stones: Mrs. Wiley "1934" E.W. (Duke) Thompson] MO BLOCK 6, LOT 90 Jesline B. Pazin, "Oct. 12, 1887,Dec. 18, 1918" [concrete enclosure] Evelyn Annie Silvey, "Jan. 4, 1891-Oct. 1, 1910, Our loved one" Burial Records, no stones: Dan Pazin Louis Pazin Charles Allen MO BLOCK 6, LOT 91, W. ENGLEHART Group Plot, concrete enclosure: George W. Englehart, "1891-1926" Olga Frazier, "1889-1934" Group Stone: Laura Mazza, "1857-1935, Mother" Photo Goldie Dyer, "1887-1942, Sister" John Mazza, "1852-1933" Group Plot, concrete enclosure: Sophia McLeod, "1871-1949, God is my life, Farewell until we meet again" Clay McLeod, "Dec. 9, 1877-April 28, 1937, None knew him but to love him" Burial Records, no stones: Mabel Probsting B.A. Best, 1931 Charles Norman, 1935 Mark Richardson, 1936 Frank Schubert, 1948 MO BLOCK 6, LOT 93 Burial Record , no stone: Arch Seigmund [See lot 93 1/2] MO BLOCK 6, LOT 93-1/2 Burial Records, no stones: Herman Feldkatter (Feldkotter) Arch Semore Ann Adams, 1948 Sing Chan, 1949 August Prause Fred E. Smithman, 1948 Thomas W. Harris MO BLOCK 7, LOT 31 Burial Records, no stones: Jimmie Goaz, 1890 John H. Goaz, 1891 John Lenie, 1891, child D.P. Sloan, 1890, child MO BLOCK 7, LOT 32, GALE & BRYANT, Group Plot, granite enclosure, raised letters, "Gale" Group Stone, very tall granite monument inscribed, "Gale": George Waldo Bryant MD, "1874-1922, Sacred to the memory of a faithful friend and public benefactor" Lotta Bryant, "1874-1948" Group Stone, granite base with three monuments: Mina Gale "1835-1917, mother" Horatio Gale "1827&-1910, father" Jennie Gale "1870-1886, sister" Group Stone, Infant twins of H. & W. Gale died July, 20,1873 Violet [Gale], "1873" Daisy [Gale], "1873" MO BLOCK 7, LOT 33, [Wrought iron enclosure], Letitia Bigham [1820-1889] "died April 12, 1889 aged 69 years 1 month beloved wife of James Bigham" Photo Col. C.D. Irons, [1841-1887] "died Aug. 5,1887 age 46 years, G.A.R. a member of Summit Lodge K of P also AOOW" Group Stone, concrete enclosure: Margaret D. Hovsepian, "1895-1922, Mother and son" Albert D. Hovsepian, "1919-1921, At rest" Burial Records, no stones: James W. Bigham Arillie Campbell, 1880 MO BLOCK 7, LOT 34, George W Barnhart, "1840-1900" Burial Records, no stones: Albert Le Clair, 1893 David B. Farver John Leitch, 1891 Mrs. Marshall, 1901 George E. Marshall, 1889 MO BLOCK 7, LOT 35, MAIER Group Plot: Pius Maier, "March 19, 1852-June 5, 1891, Native to Baden Germany Rest in peace" Emil Maier, "April 27, 1848-Feb. 14, 1886, Native of Baden Germany" [Footstone:"E.M."] Burial Records, no stones: Herman Maier, 1868 [See OF Block 2, Lot9] Mrs. Herman Maier, aka Mayers, 1887 Charles Fox Anita Rutter John Johnson, 1911 James Young MO BLOCK 7, LOT 94, NELSON Group Stone, inscribed, "In memory of...Natives of Sweden Rest in Peace" Photo Martin Nelson, "Dec. 21, 1840-July 8, 1908" Karina [Nelson] "his wife, June 8, 1838-March 18, 1907" Frederick Emil [Erickson], "June 24, 1908-Aug. 14, 1910, son of Emil and O. Erickson Oscar B. Norden [1882-1909] "a native of Sweden born Nov. 9, 1882, died July 29, 1909 near Summit, Cal." Burial Records, no stones: Swede Norden Gus Saunders, 1948 Thomas Edwards, infant J.C. Clark Charles Conolin MO BLOCK 7, LOT 95 Olof Alfred Olsen, "born Oct. 25, 1881, died Jul. 8, 1914, native of Sweden" Emanuel Sundquest, "born Jul. 4, 1896, died May 13, 1922" Burial Records, no stones: Ole Olsen, 1881 Eddie Schlumfp, 1907 Frederick E. Erickson MO BLOCK 7, LOT 96 Burial Records no stones: William DeWitt, 1942 Japanese grave William Kenyon, 1921 Charles Mini, 1919 W.H. Prisby, 1920 Bertha M. Sterns, 1919 MO BLOCK 7, LOT 97 Unknown [Illegible stone] William Boettcher, "Gustof Westberg", "1871-1944" Eugene Pierce, "1874-1942" Burial Records, no stones: Reile Pietro, 1944 Charles Kennedy Charles Peterson, 1944 MO BLOCK 7, LOT 97-1/2 John F. Franklin, "Sept. 22, 1889-Mar. 12, 1950, Native of Sparta, Tenn"[second marker: "Tennessee PFC 306 Supply Co OMC World War I" Thomas O. Eastwood, "Aug. 26, 1897-Oct. 12, 1950, 1976 SVC Comd. Unit WWII" Sheila Gay Sanders, "born March 13, 1965, murdered June 19, 1985, beloved daughter of Clifford and beloved sister" Jon Pierre Garber Sep. 4, 1945-Apr. 14, 1981, Serg. USAF" Burial Records, no stones: Charles Cannady [Kennedy] Charles Machin James Clark MO BLOCK 8, LOT 36 Group Plot, granite enclosure: Group Stone , Rossarini John P. [Rossarini], "1904-1904" John C. [Rossarini], "1837-1907" John R. [Rossarini], "1871-1918" Burial Record,no stone: John Ghadatti, 1937 Group Plot, granite enclosure immediately behind Rossarini Francis Edgar Cosgrove "Jan. 1, 1867-June 11, 1907" Edgar [Cosgrove] "1898-1908" Susie Zuelema Cosgrove "1870-1932, mother" MO BLOCK 8, LOT 37, C.C GLIDDEN Group Plot, concrete enclosure William M. Englehart, "1885-1960" Stella Mae Englehart, "1888-1982" Mary H. Franzini, "1861-1929" P. Franzini, "1858-1945" Payson Palmer [Glidden], 1888-1888, "died Aug. 24, 1888 aged 28 days Beloved son of Charles E & Catherine B. Glidden" Weston L. Glidden, "Dec. 26, 1889-Oct. 1, 1890, son of C.E. & C.B. Glidden" William Maurice Englehart, "1908-1986" Irene Englehart, "May 5, 1912-April 14, 1991" Burial Record,no stone: Lizzie May Glidden, 1901 MO BLOCK 8, LOT 38, SMITH M.L. [Smith], "Nov. 18, 1886, beloved son of M & M.S. Smith" Group Plot, stone enclosure: Samuel Costa, "1885-1934" [Odd Fellows symbol] Ida Costa Cadjew, "Oct. 24, 1917-Jan. 11, 1944, Loving mother of Billy & Bucky" Sam Costa, "1924-1984" Cesira B. Costa, "1883-1977" Burial Records, no stones: Charles Martin Maud A. Page, 1888 MO BLOCK 8, LOT 39 Louis R. Schiveley, "Aug. 24, 1855-Dec. 5, 1881" Bertha K. Kearney, "1835-1912" Photo Charles Milburn McElroy, "Dec. 19, 1872-May 11, 1914, B of RT" Burial Records, no stones: C.W. Long, 1914 Charles Marconi MO BLOCK 8, LOT 40, ESTOLA [sic] Group Plot, concrete wall Photo Alberto Esola, "1893-1945" Group Stone Enis Esola, "1921-1928" Helen Esola, "1898-1942, Her mother" Burial Records, no stones: John B. Best Harry Goe, 1892 Aza Engley Mrs. Sam Smith, 1893 (See also OF Block 4, Lot 0) Sam Smith (See also OF Block 4, Lot 0) John Erickson, 1891 MO BLOCK 8, LOT 98, LUCHTENBURGER [Lichtenberger] Louis Kielhofer, "1873-1901" Photo MO BLOCK 8, LOT 99, REEVES Group Plot, concrete enclosure: Group Stone: Edward LeRoy Reaves, "July 25, 1864-Jan. 13, 1908 husband, Native of Maine" Mary J. Reeves, "1868-1937" "Mother" [single stone, no further inscription] William Kendrick, "Dec. 28, 1920- Feb. 20, 1965, California Sgt US Army Korea BSM" Della R. Burlingham, "4-27-1894--9-5-1977, wife & mother, Native of Truckee" Alfred E. Burlingham "Jan. 23, 1902-May 17, 1979, US Navy World War II in loving memory Aunt Della and Uncle Red" Mildred F. Jewell, "1896-1977, Native of Truckee, Mother" Azalea Jewell, "1915-1993, Native of Truckee" Henry O. Anderson, "Sept. 9, 1886-April 3, 1944, Idaho Pvt 157 Inf 40 Div" Kathleen Ann Ellis, "Jan. 1947-Mar. 1947, daughter" Baby [Tillie] Smith Burial Record, no stone: Lewis Ferreri, 1937 MO BLOCK 8, LOT 100 Eamelli A. Cordel, "1873-1929" Andor Bandur, "Oct. 16, 1892-May 24, 1928, Native of Dalmatia" Burial Records, no stones: Jack Noonan, 1945 Eli Sarbin, 1928 MO BLOCK 8, LOT 101 Grover W. Sackett, "September 3, 1924, California PVT 1Cl 115 Engrs 40 Div" MO BLOCK 9, LOT 41, [Wrought iron enclosure] James Crawford [1879-1905] "died Feb. 14, 1905 aged 26 years"In memory of " Burial Records, no stones: Peter Smith, 1904 Mrs. Anna M. Berg Nettie Holt Mrs. Adam Kern George Paschini, infant MO BLOCK 9, LOT 42 Group Plot, concrete enclosure Willie A. Franzini, "1882-1891" Albert C. Franzini, "1884-1904" Mrs. Richard Boyes, "1823-1900" Richard Boyes, "1826-1900" Sarah Ridinger Cooper [Mrs. V.C Cooper], "1858-1899" [slab, no stone] Burial Records, no stones: Manda Graham, 1894 Sarah Dennis, 1892 MO BLOCK 9, LOT 43 Horace Emanuel [Johnson], "April 22, 1903-May 26, 1907, son of C.R. & M.E. Johnson" [Wrought iron enclosure] John F. Andrews, [1850-1889] "died Sept. 25, 1889 aged 39 yrs. & 28 days [Wrougt iron enclosure] Burial Records, no stones: Cormack infant, 1891 Fay Johnson, child, 1916 J.B. Wilson, 1889 Alexander Clark, 1890 [Wrougt iron enclosure] William R. Phillips, 1891 MO BLOCK 9, LOT 44 Rose F. Livingston Effie E. Keenan, [1890-1890] "died Aug. 2, 1890, aged 1 month, 14 days" J.T. Livingston J & K Cottarelli[1891-1891] "died July 1, 1891, aged 3 months & 14 days" Burial Records, no stones: Charles Tarry, child, 1906 Cinnie Catlett Lorenzo J. Decker, 1888 Stephen Lambro, 1890 Henry Hill, child MO BLOCK 9, LOT 45 Thos. A. Kohler, "July 4, 1871-;Aug. 15, 1907 Here rests a woodman of the world" Burial Records, no stones: Frank Paschini, 1901 Clinnie Parker, 1901 George Johnson J.G. Arnold, 1899 Charles K. McDonald, 1907 H.W. Lowell, 1892 MO BLOCK 9, LOT 102 Group Plot Harvey [Cahoon], "May 8, 1906-Nov. 15, 1914 son of W.W. and O.J. Cahoon" Group Stone,Children of W.W. and O.J. Cahoon: Myrtle W. Cahoon, "July 22, 1904-July 17, 1907" Nellie M. Cahoon, "Oct. 5, 1902-June 24, 1907" David Nesbitt, [1839-1901] "died Oct. 2, 1901 aged 62 years, Native of St. Stephens N.B., Gone but not forgotten" Burial Records, no stones: C.F. Forney A.O. Sheldon Maud Donnelly Lee Cahoon, infant MO BLOCK 9, LOT 103 Group Plot Group Stone, "Hurd, At rest" William H. [Hurd], "1830-1910" Hannah M. [Hurd], "1833-1922" W.H.M. Smith, "1872-1912" Burial Records, no stones: Joseph Kelley, 1942 James Kelley MO BLOCK 9, LOT 104 Group Stone: J.C. Moore, "March 27, 1908 Native of N.B." Mary J. Moore, "1845-1935" MO BLOCK 9, LOT 105 Group Plot: W. H. Gilmartin, "1871-1927, Ft. Wayne, Ind." [American Legion marker] Harvey D. Long, "1867-1923" Burial Records, no stones: C.F. Jackson, 1922 B. Kuhlman, 1922 George Nye J. Santer, 1922 MO BLOCK 10, LOT 46 Group Plot Fannie Telzner, [1851-1916] "died Jan. 28, 1916 age 65 Years" Frank L. Telzner[1855-1906] "died June 14, 1906 aged 51 years" Burial Records, no stones: Mrs. Mary Hart, 1907 John Frail, 1907 Fred Ham Orlena Ham MO BLOCK 10, LOT 47 Group Plot James Carson, "1883-1908, Nephew" Sarah McIver, "1859-1952, Mother" James McIver, "1859-1933, Father" Wm. R. McIver, "1898-1907, Son" Katie Mosconi, "Nov. 9, 1905-Aug. 21, 1907" [May be Lot 48] Joseph Mosconi, "Mar. 2, 1906-Apr. 28, 1910, [+] Baby girl Mosconi" Burial Records, no stones: Frank Bennet Pietro Strambini, 1941 MO BLOCK 10, LOT 48, WATERS Group Plot: One broken stone, no inscription Viola Agnes Waters, "1891-1959" George Berty Waters, "1881-1963" Edwin Raymond Waters "Jan. 15, 1915-Apr. 23, 1944, Irving D. Waters "Dec. 9, 1913-Nov. 8, 1994, S Sgt US Army, WWII" In memory of ...California S Sgt US Army World War II" Thyra Pohl, "1912-1923" [in front of George Waters grave, next to Edwin Waters] Alice Vernon, "1866-1906" [Mrs. D.B. on burial record] Group Plot: Caroline V. Levy, [1865-1898] "died Feb. 7, 1898 aged 33 years" Lancelot G. Thompson, "Dec. 3, 1852-Aug. 4, 1934" Burial Records, no stones: Charles Griffith, 1909 Theo. Porter MO BLOCK 10, LOT 49, TOMLINSON Group Plot Group Stone, Tomlinson Photo Mrs. Alta, "1825-1899" Frank [Tomlinson], "1860-1899" Ida L. [Tomlinson], "1856-1913" Mattie E. Conley "1864-1944" [at foot of Tomlinson group] Burial Records, no stones: Mrs. Ellen Campbell, 1894 H.R. Milligan Mrs. J. Martague, 1902 Mrs. Brown, 1910 MO BLOCK 10, LOT 50 [Batista] Bordoli [1869-1906] "died Feb. 27, 1896 aged 27 years" Rose F. Gottardi, [1894-1894] "died July 1, 1894, aged 3 mo, 14 day" Burial Records, no stones: Mr. Robinson, 1911 J.E. Pratt, 1925 S.J. Smith, 1910 George Steaton [Seaer] George Stewart John Medo, 1904 MO BLOCK 10, LOT 106 Burial Record, no stone: A. Miner MO BLOCK 10, LOT 107] R. H. Bensley, "July 13, 1886-Dec. 13,1913" Burial Records, no stones: Tom Benson, 1927 Peter Brooks, 1913 John Hancock, 1913 Nathaniel Harper, 1913 George Peterson, 1915 John Pilivich, 1913 George Pilivich, 1913 E. Scanlin, 1913 Fred Turner, 1913 Steven Williams, 1913 MO BLOCK 10, LOT 108 Burial Records, no stones: William Boswell, 1908 Paul Hackten John Paris, 1915 Charles Rautson, 1915 J.A. Williams, 1913 John Wolf, 1915 D. Robinson [approximate location of stone] "mother" Marie S. Thomas [approximate location of stone] "daughter" MO BLOCK 10, LOT 109 Group Plot Edward E. Wallin, "1885-1917" John C. Wood "June 5, 1850-Nov. 23, 1917, Native of Prince Edward Island" Burial Records, no stones: John Dugan, 1918 Lambert MO BLOCK 11, LOT 51 Group PLot Victor Cozzalio, "1866-1928" Ione L. Ilardi "Nv. 13, 1918-Oct. 15, 1956, Beloved wife and mother" Theresa Cozzalio, "1876-1962" Dr. Charles C. Cozzalio DDS "6-16-1903 -- 7-19-1986" Joan Katherine Harris, "12-23-1932--2-18-1996" Burial Record, no stone: P. Passinetti, infant MO BLOCK 11, LOT 52 Group Plot, concrete enclosure: Group Stone: "Passinetti" Photo Alessandro [Passinetti] "1871-1932" Innocenti [Passinetti] "1869-19__ " Giovanni [Passinetti] "1913-___" Battistina [Passinetti] "______" "Thomas" Jim [Thomas] "1901-1955" Estelle [Thomas] "1903-1969" "Cozzalio" Frank F. [Cozzalio] "1901-1993" Piero [Cozzalio] "1865-1926" Infant John [Cozzalio] Maria [Cozzalio] "1875-1941" Ann Rendant [Cozzalio] "1893-1993" "Sugget" William D. [Sugget] "1886-1963" Lee Rose [Sugget] "1895-1971" James M. Thomas, "1901-1955" Estelle R. Greenhouse, "1903-1969" Christoforo Pini, "1871-1926" Burial Record, no stone: John Copland [?] MO BLOCK 11, LOT 53 Brother Baldo Svaco [1879-1913] "Feb. 26, 1913, Native of Austria Dalmacia Konavale K. of P." Burial Records, no stones Frank Ferreri Mrs. Frank Ferreri J. Passinetti MO BLOCK 11, LOT 54 John Laroche, "1910" Burial Records, no stones: D. Whiting, 1901 Mrs. Terry, 1910 MO BLOCK 11, LOT 55 Group Plot Group Stone, "Brothers": Photo Nick Ticich, "1890-1913, Native of Dalmacia, Austria" [back of stone] John Ticich, "1892-1909, Native of Dalmacia, Austria" [front of stone] Burial Records, no stones: L. Hassa Luigi, 1910 Helen Meyers Harry Steel Peter Jansen MO BLOCK 11, LOT 110 Potter's Field MO BLOCK 12, LOT 56 One concrete enclosure, monument base, no monument remains James McDonald, "1845-1932" Burial Records, no stones: C. Copeland Ann Alexson,1906 MO BLOCK 12, LOT 57 Charles A. Teeter, "1869-1906" Unknown [Wooden marker, concrete enclosure, name not visible] Battista Rocatini, [1848-1910] "died Oct. 15, 1910 Age 62 Yrs. Native of Italy" Burial Records, no stones: George Fisher, 1888 William Mather, 1889 Fred Robinson William Atkins, 1909 MO BLOCK 12, LOT 58 Burial Records, no stones: Thomas Ryan, 1907 Charles Ross, 1906 Harry Pearson, 1907 Vigillo Terolli, 1907 Charles Sebo, 1907 John Conor Tillie Swisher, 1906 MO BLOCK 12, LOT 59 Group Plot Harry R. Cope [1879-1907] "born at Sedalia Mo. Aug. 23, 1879, Died at Truckee Cal., Ap 24, 1907" John F. Lambeth [1861-1907] "born in Gilford Co. N.C. Aug. 21, 1861, Died May 11, 1907" Burial Records, no stones: John Goss, 1907 J.N. Galovich Will Roth John Launza, 1906 John McCormick, 1905 Fritz Horn, 1904 MO BLOCK 12, LOT 60 Burial Record, no stone: Frank Bent, 1891 MO BLOCK 12, LOT 61 M.A. Saul, [1831-1902] "died July 12, 1902 aged 71 years, darling mother" Burial Records, no stones: Clyde Sweeney M. Powers William Stone, 1906 Mrs. Kuthford J. Capetti, 1914 MO BLOCK 12, LOT 62 Burial Records, no stones: E.A. Swanson, 1904 Pete Maggini, 1901 Thomas J. Struman MO BLOCK 12, LOT 63 Burial Records, no stones G.D. Willard, 1903 Charles Pinaglia, 1903 Louis Herman, 1903 William Freeman, 1903 Sam Reynolds MO BLOCK 12, LOT 64 Angelo Mini [1847-1903] "died May 28, 1903 aged 56 Yrs 5 Mos" Unmarked graves: Gusippe Adamolli,1903 [3] York Child [5] William Martin, 1890, child [6] Cris Nelson, infant [8] Unknown [Two side by side granite markers; one wood marker painted white] MO BLOCK 12, LOT 65 John Cabona, "1850-1903 Erected by Charles and Marie Cabona, May 30, 1925 [concrete enclosure] Unmarked graves Roy Narcissi [3] W.H. Glenn (Child) [5,6] David Alexander Smith, "Apr. 9, 1894-Mar. 5, 1933" Unknown [White wood cross] POTTERS FIELD Burial Records, no stones: Rueben Fustaken BURIAL RECORDS, NO LOCATION Mrs. J.D. Robinson Emilio Paolozzi [Emilio Polazzi "1888-193? [garden plot-1993] [not found in 1998] Costa Bennets Buchler Schlumfp child BURIAL RECORDS,GRAVE REMOVED Harry Star Leonise
CC South Half, West Quarter
1. Glotilde Morandi, "1870-1920, Native of Italy" 2. William [Morandi] "1902-1913, born in Truckee, California" 3. Unknown [two graves with wooden border, a third with wooden cross] 4. Angello Morandi, "1860-1938" 5. Victoria Passinetti, "1894-1915" 6. Large unmarked enclosure. 7. Jose R. George,[1863-?] "da magdlena Pico nacena 20 de Nov de 1863 Murrena 13 de Aug de [?][grave framed with pipe] 8. Barney Conway, [1901-1904] "son of Hugh Conway died September 22, 1904 aged 34 years "Native of Ireland" Photo 9. Unknown, [white cross]
CC South Half, East Quarter
10. John W. Gofabrecti, [1882-1907] "died November 25, 1907 aged 25 days [m do d???]" 11. Unknown [white cross] 12. Unknown [small stone marker]
CC North Half, East Quarter
13. Unknown, [2 small white crosses and one larger decorative white cross, 3 ceramic figurines] Located at extreme northeast corner near fence. 14. Unknown [wooden cross behind Cabona graves] 15. Group Plot, [granite enclosure] Cabona Group Stone "Thy will be done" Gean Garrpit [Cabona], "1886-1937" Charles [Cabona], "1881-1943" Marie [Cabona],"1884-19__" 16. Unknown [wooden cross] 17. Group Plot , Fontana [concrete enclosure] Photo Fedele [Fontana],"1872-1939" Carolina [Fontana],"1874-1950" Arnoldo [Fontana], "1899-1943" Robert [Fontana], "1911-1965" 18. Maria Spagnoli, "1855-1947" 19. Cesare Spagnoli, "1871-1938" 20. Group Plot, Fay [concrete enclosure with wrought iron fence] Photo Group Stone [foot stones: PJF, E?F] Phillip J. Fay, "May 7, 1885-July 8, 1909" John Fay, "June 24, 1851-August 4, 1919" Ellen Mary Fay, "July 3, 1861-December 22, 1923" Eddie Fay, "October 7, 1886-August 21, 1891" 21. Group Plot, Lanahan [One concrete single enclosure w/o stone, one double enclosure with stone] Michael Lanahan, "born 1850, died 1891" Bridget Lanahan, "born 1855, died 1920" James Lanahan, "born 1885, died 1887" 22. Lizzie Williams, "Feb. 25, 1879-Feb. 25, 1907" [Stone and wooden cross] 23. Unknown, [wooden cross] 24. Unknown, [wooden cross] 25. Adolfo Farnesi,(1896-1918) "Nato el 1896 Morto il 1918 Native de Brasile ... Oui riposa" 26. Giovanni Bini, "Nov 3, 1869-July 18, 1914, Native of Italy" 27. Unknown [cross in wood enclosure] 28. Daniel [Cunningham], "Dec. 20, 1893-Aug 29, 1901, son of P & M Cunningham" [Wrought iron fence} 29. Unknown[wooden cross] 30. Michael Finnegan [1860-1901] "died Nov. 8, 1901 aged 41 years "Native of County Armagh, Ireland, may his soul rest in peace" [fallen monument "In memory of]" 31. P. Kinsella "died March 14, 1902, Native of Ireland" Photo 32 Unknown [Eight-foot wooden cross by a pine tree]
CC North Half, West Quarter
33. Group Plot Group Stone, Von Fluee [Large concrete enclosure "Rock of ages"] Wm. Von Fluee, "born May 2, 1878, died Aug. 30, 1878" Rosina Von Fluee, "born Aug. 8, 1892, died July 4, 1908" Pius Von Fluee, "born Dec. 14, 1879, died July 26, 1908" Joseph VonFluee, Jr., "born Aug. 24, 1876, died Oct. 10, 1891" Fred VonFluee, "born Apr 23, 1896, died Jan 21, 1984, Loving husband and father" "Gone fishing" 34.-36.Unknown [3 wooden crosses] 37.-39.Unknown [3 wooden crosses at northern fence] 40. Lena P. Coleman, "1903-1928" 41. Strambini, [Broken monument, Inscription cut in concrete "STRAMBINI DOMENICA MR SD 19II R IN P" 42. Group Stone Martin Sheehan,[1834-1901] "died March 12, 1901 aged 67 years" Ann Sheehan [1838-1901] "his wife, died Jan. 2, 1901 aged 63 years, Native of Ireland" 43. Martin Lind "died Aug. 17, 1921" 44.-45. Unknown [2 wood crosses] 46. Group Stone, Buzzetti--"children of P.T. & S. Buzzetti" Henry T [Buzzetti], "Oct. 4, 1894-Dec. 4, 1894" Louis J. [Buzzetti], "Nov 26, 1900-Oct. 23, 1901" 47. Anton Therkauf [1853-1907] "died Oct. 1, 1907 aged 64 yrs 7m,18d Native of Switzerland" 48. John A. Therkauf [1882-1909] "died Oct. 7, 1909 aged 27 yrs 20 days Native of Nevada" [Fallen stone "Rest"] 49. John Beaulieu [1865-1895] "died Dec. 5, 1895 aged 30 years, A native of Carlaton, Canada" 50. Unknown [cross by pine tree] 51. Rosa Francis [1834-1896] "died Oct. 27, 1896 aged 62 yrs 10 mos" 52. Group Plot, Horan [three wood enclosures, two with crosses, extreme northwest corner] Harry E. Horan, "Aug. 11, 1889-June 25, 1923" [Fallen stone] 53. Dionigia Sala, "1894-1927" [Fallen stone] 54.-56.Unknown [three white crosses with two granite pieces scattered loose on ground] 57. Unknown [White cross with remains of marble stone, spike protruding] 58. Angelo Giovanni, "1883-1928" [Slab with quartzite and feldspar rocks imbedded] 59. Unknown [Small wrought iron cage around boulder, wooden cross above] 60. Unknown [2 wooden small monuments with slightly visible but unreadable inscriptions] 61. Unknown [Small white cross in small wooden enclosure] 62. Maria Giovanni "born March 25, 1918, died April 6, 1918" [wooden monument, cement slab] 63. Stella Fontana, "1910-1926" [Heart shaped monument] 64. George Pace, Sr., "1867-1926" 65. Unknown, Tall wooden marker painted green. 66. Unknown, Child-size wood enclosure, cross.